Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Can I be more fun?

I have my brother over to stay with us for 2 weeks. We go out and about but I find myself not laughing or joking or doing anything to lighten up the mood.
How boring am I?

I find myself emersed into "have to do" things and I put second the "love to do" things. Can I be any different?  For the sake of  being fun?

By comparisment my brother always goes off by himself for an hour or two to spend "me time". And I would love to do that. To rest from juggling different individuals demands, wishes and expectations. 

What am I saying? ! Because I am always there I am less tired? No just tired and maybe more stressed. The humor comes naturally to the ones that feel comfortable.  And I am here to make others feel comfortable,  whatever that means. I think that is much better goal than being the comedian.